Is not quality what we do in Canada? Why are we so shy to claim our products are top-drawer, top of the heap. We are already recognized as leaders in quality. Just count the ways. Mediocrity does not belong here.
"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of Calculated Effort"
Canada is my country of choice. Hospitality is my career of choice. Quality is what I have strived to do all my life. I am proud to say that I am surrounded by quality in the citizens, companies and governments that are all striving to do better for their clients. Sometimes it is left to chance but more often it is calculated, it is planned, it is discussed, debated and presented.
The time has finally come to place QUALITY at the top of our list of values in everything we do.
Here are my Top Ten Canadian examples of where Canada is at the leading edge of Quality,
- Quality Olympians.Gold Medal record for the Winter Olympics.
- Quality of Life. A Top Ranked Country to live in.
- Quality Service. Four Seasons Hotels.......Number One in quality hospitality.
- Quality Theatre. Toronto Theatre #3 in the English speaking world.
- Quality Tourism Destination. Canada as a Top-Ten tourism destination.
- Quality Financial structure. Banking system.
- Quality Education. World-class Universities.
- Quality Healthcare. Health workers.
- Quality Armed Services. World renowned Peace-keepers.
- Quality Circus. Cirque du Soleil is perhaps the largest grossing show on earth.
- .......and just in!! Quality Airline. Air Canada voted Best Airline in North America.
But why stop there? Why do we need to take second fiddle to any country in the area of Quality. Why do we resist the term "Own the Podium". Are we not from our first days in Kindergarten trying to win those little stick-on Stars? Do we not play hockey to win, whether we are pee-wee, junior or in the NHL? Whether we are tax-collectors or trapeze artists, we all have one thing in common.
Maybe the day has come to export our commitment to Quality and sell the world on the benefits of good quality, show the world how to improve on their quality. No this is not Japanese "Quality Circles", this is not elitist overpriced or over-hyped, this is a heartfelt national commitment to doing it the very best possible.
Let's go Canada!!
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