Has Turn-Key been exagerated for too long? Does 'Clef en Main' truly deliver the goods. We no longer believe that selling services can replace the need to produce and deliver a working product. And when producing a product, that product must function profitably, functionally and for a tested period of time when one can see the results.
For this reason, David McMillan Consulting is now linked to the huge, full service Engineering company , Genivar with over 3,000 engineers and specialists in over 80 offices worldwide.
Recently marking 50 years in the hotel industry, McMillan, in conjunction with Genivar has decided to reinvent the process to provide cutting edge hospitality development and re-development expertise to developers with the promise of success.
It has been rewarding to observe the evolution of the hospitality consulting industry over the years and to see it mature and change from 'accounting and audit' services to 'hospitality real-estate business strategists who deliver a functioning product.
Conceptualise & Deliver is a the new approach to Design & Build. It is in some respects similar to the Taj Mahal. Intricate detailing and extraordinary delivery.
Design and Build is best associated with Turn-Key, an out-of-date method of turning a key on to the tumblers in a lock until the bolt slides away and the door creaks open. Design & Build for an industry which requires innovation, creativity, change & drama is a combination that has seen its day. In the same way as iron and steel numbered keys and numbered key tags weighing half a pound have been replaced by 1/2 ounce anonymous plastic cards, so have the huge audit & accounting consultancies staffed by graduate hospitality students been replaced by agile, creative business engineers.
Conceptualise & Deliver is a method in which all systems are activated in an instant but only for the right customer, when the stars are aligned and the sliver of plastic is programmed and the well-oiled machinery is in-place. This is the new Consulting method where a full range of expertise envelopes those already in place. Where the Design & Build is prefaced by research, imagineering, customising & communitising and then followed by launch, run-in, consolidation and asset management.
Where a project is warmed-up, trained, tweaked, tested and then run again. This asset-management period is a one to three year period when financial and market consolidation takes place.
This is the time when the key, such as it is, can be thrown away because the product has been launched and the baby is fit.
For more information on Conceptualise & Deliver, contact Genivar at +1 (416) 504-6800, Extension 238
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