Whatever happened to the value of 'Modesty' in our industry? Why is there such a rush to announce or proclaim a new 6 Star Hotel....this time in Scotland but more often these days in Dubai, where they are up to 10 and even 13 Stars.
How sad it is to see respectable countries who have worked long and hard to develop hotel and resort classification systems usually under a 5 Star method, be completely pre-empted by an owner or operator announcing or proclaiming his intention to open a property that completely obliterates a client's objective approach to the way we grade our industry.
How presumptive it is of an owner to think that he can dispell centuries of tradition and past focus on excellence that has built up around the best hostelleries in his country who have fought through thick and thin to earn that extra proclaim he has an extra illegal star..... a star that he has virtually stolen and for which there is no space in the book. And this before he has laid one brick, or hired one single employee.
Instead of ignoring the announcement or proclamation, it is broadcast.
Does this ridicule of the star system not jeopardise the system itself when those who are to be judged, judge themselves? When those who should be striving for improvement announce their arrival already?
How tragic that an Emirate like Dubai that is so strategically brilliant in its dramatic approach to tourism will risk its future reputation on unsubstantiated claims to fame from an as yet unbuilt or untried product? How risky it is that the owner sets the standards of guest expectations so high above the world's greatest hotels that the reputation of the destination itself is at risk. How much more powerful is the word of mouth that eminates from a great experience than the claim of the developer.
Adding to the proof that 'we really don't understand what we are doing on this project in Scotland syndrome' was the parallel announcement from a local official that with this extra +/- 150 rooms, we can now attract conventions to the city!
For some insight into the seriousness with which this subject should be viewed, see how the Caribbean Tourism Association viewed it in 2002.
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