As an industry, we react violently to those who would judge us as 'flippers' of hamburgers and 'peelers' of carrots. How tragic that we denounce and deny the very foundation of our apprenticeships.
Earlier this week, I was a panellist and overheard an industry specialist once again denounce the description of a career in our industry as one that actually peels carrots.
I was personally insulted and quick to point out when given the chance that my own background indeed included a most interesting time in my career when I was a 'professional peeler' and in fact had not yet gravitated to the more elevated position of 'flipper'........not I might add of hamburgers for this was a 'pre-hamburger era' in England, but of other things that needed to be flipped or turned at precisely the right second of caramelisation.
This was a period in my apprenticeship that was not at the beginning. No this was a level up from the more physically challenging task of making ice cubes from a block of ice, sorting empty bottles in the cellar and delivering kegs to the multiple bars. Yes, peeling and flipping came later and necessitated a smart cooks jacket & pants and a starched toque in which I felt extremely proud although highly underqualified!!
Later elevated to the position of 'aboyeur', I then acquired the confidence and the knowledge to be able to reject inferior quality dishes and demand replacements as the full team focused on perfection, one dish at a time. How appropriate that lesson was in later years when I discovered that only when conflict exists between kitchen and restaurant staff does quality exist.
Today, machines peel carrots and make ice-cubes but do not yet flip anything. I can bet you however that many a 'flipper' today will be a highy successful hospitality executive in the future, just mark my words.
For more information on the ancient arts of Peeling veggies and Chipping ice, contact [email protected]
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